Heal your past - Love your life - Create your future

I have realized the current truth of my being – that it is perfectly fine to do nothing at all …                                                                    

This newsletter is overdue, and my apologies to you if you have been wondering where I have been. The truth is that, as the weather started getting colder here and winter set in, the strongest feeling that came over me was the joy around doing nothing. In this space, at this time, I have increasingly been feeling a sense of calm and peace around doing only what pleased me. Though at the same time I also felt guilty, and have somewhat persecuted myself for being “stuck”.

These conflicting perspectives constantly sit together in me – the calm of doing “nothing” and the guilt of not doing “something”.

The thing is, I really love my downtime. I love just retreating into the space inside my mind where my consciousness is free to imagine and ponder; to learn and read and cross reference my readings and learn even more, and just absorb knowledge in a way that makes me inspired.

Or alternatively, gives me new information, lets me observe the doings of the world, makes me think of better things, abstractions and solutions, all just going round and around in my ball of imagination. This freedom is so delicious to me.

Then all this freedom gets interrupted and wounded when I am obliged to do any work that I don’t want to do. I love working with my clients because of the freedom of discovering their stories and helping them find their true mental and emotional abundance. I love sharing with them the inner light that I see in them, the exuberance and wonderment of their beings and of how they can best use this brilliance in their life to achieve their goals.

I don’t, however, love writing newsletters. When I have something to say that I really want to impart it comes easily enough, but over the last few months it has been so hard to write. I’ve been trying to force myself to regurgitate experiences that have been positive, yet the desire to put them on paper and share them in a newsletter was next to nothing. There was no light. There was no sense of joy doing the work. Just an obligation to send out a newsletter, to follow through on a commitment, when I felt that no one really cared or noticed if I followed through or not, and that personally I’d rather just be sitting in the sunshine or doing things I like.

But now, two things have come to my attention. The first is this video by Lee Harris July 2023 Energy Update – Lee Harris for June, July and August, where he talks about the three current types of Change Energy – bright intensity, release intensity or cocoon intensity – and which one you might be feeling. I believe that I have been cocooning.

The second is this article in the UK Times, Meet Do Nothing Rental Man, Japan’s unlikely social media star about a man who has made a business doing only the things that fit within his comfort zone and his skill base. He’s defined his parameters and boundaries, as limited as they are, and has become a sensation in his country of Japan, where there are many societal rules about the ways in which things are usually done.

And I have realized the current truth of my being – that it has been perfectly fine to do nothing. Because that is my nature. I realise that I am very engaged in the things I love doing, and very disengaged in those things that do not really interest or inspire me, and that this is perfectly fine. Because the things that I do love doing give me such joy – and that’s really what life is all about.

I am now inspired to write a newsletter and share this message – that the universe is completely supportive of us doing whatever we enjoy doing which we love in our hearts and which nurtures us (and of course, which doesn’t hurt anyone, including ourselves). That there is complete space and time in life and society to do what really matters to you most.

The understanding around “time” itself is evolving. What is work time or recreation time, other than positive uses for the space that we take up in our own lives? The rules have changed and will continue to change, with emphasis on having freedom to access that space and spend it in productive enjoyment.

Working from home was the first big breakthrough in maximizing our time, and now we can take it further. Take a moment to just be yourself every day; to sit and watch trees and flowers move in the wind, to spend time playing an instrument, or with your pet, or doing a craft. Even to spend time watching the things you love watching on a screen is fine – the stories or the sports or the information that you want to absorb and share, from all over the world. Just for this little moment in time, before the world changes again, do these things completely and freely without guilt, savouring the peacefulness of listening to your own heart beat.

This is being The Hanged Man, allowing the world to be whatever it is, seeing it in all ways, and just enjoying the view. With this comes such peace. Vibe it. Enjoy it. Share it. Connect with it. Feel its glow. Feel its delight. This sense of stillness and gratitude will bring you grounding. It will calm and heal your mind, warm your heart, create wonderful new practices and give you greater stability for the busier months that are still to come later this year and on into 2024.

My wish for you is that you can love the life that you are living right now, and every moment in it.

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