Karen Dess
Life Path Therapy & Readings
Counselling & Healing
Life Coaching
Intuitive Guidance
Psychic Insight & Readings
Clinical & Intuitive Therapies
Karen Dess
Life Path Therapy & Readings
Uniquely personal natural therapies and intuitive readings and tarot, combining ancient knowledge and modern techniques. Discover your own light within.

Life Path Therapy
Life Path Therapy combines Counselling and Tarot Counselling, Life Coaching, Hypnotherapy, your Life Path Charts and often Play A Part Therapy. You will discover what’s not working for you and how to heal it. Create deeper personal understanding and emotional healing. You will learn how to solve old problems, to feel better with yourself, and to generate a more productive and happy life and future.

Hypnotherapy and Counselling
Hypnotherapy is a gentle and relaxing therapeutic process which activates your subconscious mind and unlocks the blocks within. It can be used to treat any and all areas of your life where you would like to change your outlook from negative to positive. Tarot Counselling supports and explains what has been happening in your thoughts and behaviours, and gives insight and clarity.

Tarot and Life Path Readings
Life Path Readings combine the wisdom of Tarot cards and Metasymbology life path and personality charts, and are an integral part of the Karen's therapeutic work. Using tarot cards together with life path charts based on your date of birth and age allows her to understand who you are, where you're at, and what circumstances you will encounter going forward.

Play A Part Therapy
Play A Part therapy provides deep insight into any aspect of yourself or your past, bringing understanding and freedom from the obstacles that have been holding you back. It uses figurines to play the hidden parts of your character or the unresolved stories of your life. This brings greater awareness and releases your trapped thoughts and feelings.
Achieve amazing breakthroughs
Working with Karen brings illumination and self-awareness. As you come to appreciate your life path and learn about positive opportunities for your success you will find new opportunities for happiness.
Life Path Therapy helps people to get to know the real essence of themselves and to tap into their soul spark. This is often life changing. By clearing the fog and confusion you can find mindfulness, motivation and magic, awakening your understanding of your life and yourself.
The methodology of Life Path Therapy will help you to find the answers which lead to the best version of you – providing hope, clarity and inspiration.