Heal your past - Love your life - Create your future

"When you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression."

1997 quote from an unknown source.

This year presents us all with a very delicate balance between expanding into our new horizons and yet also maintaining a life that is sustainable and viable.

Competition for position and scarcity of resources may surface more than usual, driven by media communications focused on pain, limitations and problems. This can create fear and antagonism in anyone.

We can all become angry by problems and events that occur every day – by other people’s callous acts, their thoughtlessness or selfish behaviours, their biased or unfair decisions, or by them breaking the rules and doing the wrong things. Your anger at what happens around you may not be wrong. But is it helpful? Or is it productive? Is your resentment ruining opportunities in other ways? Are you solving a problem by holding on to your grudges or by letting loose with your anger, or are you merely creating new problems for yourself and others?

Across 2023, more people will be asking for equal opportunities and a fairer playing field. Many of us will support a lot of of these requests, but also many of us will not. Most of us will, at times, find ourselves on both sides of the fence – part of one group that is asking for some change and a part of another group that is trying to stop other changes.

Later this year Australia will be asked to decide on the level of Aboriginal representation to parliament. There will be some people who think that by increasing the Aboriginal voice their own voice will decrease, in the same way that there was anger over gay marriage by some who thought that it would limit their own religious freedom.

2023 asks us to consider – are you maintaining your right to personal freedom at the cost of someone else’s right to their personal freedom? Or even worse, are valuing your comfort over their needs? Is your convenience worth more than their life?

Equality is many different things. Sometimes it is simply sharing the freedom that everyone else already has, or asking for more opportunity if your circumstances mean that you have fewer resources available to you than other people. Equality is not oppression of those who currently have the power, yet this year we will see the powerful people try even harder to hang on to their positions.

We will have to make conscious choices this year about how we feel about “the others” around us. How much will you include or exclude others? Remember that you too can also be excluded.

What we choose to take on board this year and how we relate to it all is up to us as individuals. When we choose to see the solutions instead of just the problems we are helping to create a more liveable society for all.

You know the old saying, “don’t get mad, get even”? Well, this year the game is don’t get mad and don’t get even – Get You! To “get you” is to understand yourself, to define yourself, to become more really you. It is taking the time to question why it is that you are angry or insulted by those actions or events. What in you is hurting by that person doing what they have done?

The offence could be anything, because even the simplest things can make us angry. By questioning what it is in you that has been triggered, you get to take control of your responses and thus how the event appears to you. You get to understand if your fury is because your own fears are being triggered, or if your resentment is actually based on jealously or distrust.

Everything is created inside of you before it is created outside of you.

Whatever you believe in will have a hold over you. Believing becomes seeing. The more you fear it, the more dread you will have which causes you to react against it. The more you are attracted to it, the more support you will have which causes you to move towards it.

Or, you can step outside of this paradigm, and instead experience a paradigm shift. You can take control of your own narrative and stop allowing the behaviour of others to affect your own feelings and beliefs. This is done by clearing up the delusions you have about yourself (we all have them) and by planning a honest path forward – honest with yourself and with others.

If your brain is screaming “I’m really angry at that stuff happening” let go of that struggle by just handing it up to the gods, sprit, angels, the sky, the universe, or whatever greater sense you can surrender to.

Hand the problem back to wherever it came from, pull back your own energy, and breathe it all out. In that space, you can work on yourself to be the balanced person that you choose to be, with integrity and self respect.

When you’re in that space, they can’t touch you. And if they ever tried to challenge you, you will have enough confidence and character to say “Do you not know who I am? I’m a Goddess who is completely balanced and who knows my brilliance. You can’t bring me down. You can’t bullshit me. I can even make allowances and give you what you need without devaluing who I am in any way. I am pure light! “

Anger needs to pass through you, you’re meant to feel it and then let it go. Remember, no matter how old you are, we are all still young and leaning this stuff.

By learning these skills of detachment, balance and release you can achieve more joy and prosperity for yourself and everyone that you come in contact with. You are neither the wounded party nor the wounding party. Equality with others will just seem like fair play and grow from mutual respect.

Don’t get mad, get balanced. This will create a more equitable world where you can feel a sense of freedom and a love of life. Where you can feel safe to live life, and not afraid of it.

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