Heal your past - Love your life - Create your future

2022 has been a massive year of change, and much of it has come to a head during August to November this year. It’s a wakeup call for many on how they are living their lives.

During 2022 we have seen many truths exposed – with the revealing of corruption, scandal, cheating and lies in all areas of life, including using lies to create war.

 And then we have financial changes in the stock markets, interest rates, inflation, possible recessions, and then we a whole series of regime changes, including the death of the Queen and then the instigation of the new King,

Despite all of this, people are still trying to make the old things still work for them and for their own personal gain in this world.

Whatever people used to do or to get away with isn’t really cutting it now. From August through to early November the planets are having a lot of retrogrades and a lot of planetary action.

What that means for you and me is that both on the small level, and on the big level, we are all facing a whole regime change of how we are, who we are, and what we do.

For such a long time, we’ve put up with the rules that got created by the powerful people that we couldn’t change and we couldn’t even address. But now things are shifting. And in that way, we are all being asked to be more patient right now, be more able to understand there is a bigger picture, with a bigger understanding of what’s important, and in particular, the need for us to start to work together more as a community and as a planet,

Overall, we are really dealing with a lot of arrogance, domination, and things that have to change. And that’s confronting for everyone, including our own domains where we feel like we might be threatened in our house, in our money, in politics, and also personally with feelings of isolation and failing to find like minded communities. We are all struggling to find our place at the moment.

So the answer is firstly, breathe, allow and accept that this stuff is happening.

The way to get through it is to really honour the fact that we are creating new ways of being free. In so many different countries, there are protests or challenges towards the old domains and the old restrictions, because people want to live the way they want to live. This freedom that we seek is freedom to be ourselves. And that’s both amazing, bust also confronting, as some people are terrified of freedom. Some people wouldn’t know if they didn’t want to do if they didn’t have rules around them.

So the answer is, we maintain what is stability and foundation, we maintain our principles and what’s important, but we also have to confront that everything around us is changing. We don’t get to control it. And we just have to go with the flow and allow ourselves to feel that being strong includes relinquishing, not pushing your own agenda, to allow other people to have a voice, and finding peace, finding grace, finding the common ground and being concerned about helping others, but in a way that everyone’s also being mindful of their own roles. You can’t fix everything, no mansplaining, nothing that’s actually trying to fix it all in a way that perhaps that people don’t want to be fixed. So, big challenges.

The really good thing about coming into November, is that the people who are doing the work right now, who are owning their stuff, trying to be gracious, trying to be gentle, trying to just allow and go with the flow and keep good perspectives and not get dragged down into the drama of life, not creating their own soap operas, but being generous of spirit – those people of all walks of life are going to get through this in November, it’s going to be like “Wow, my life’s got together. I feel like I’ve been working really hard this year, perhaps treading water at times. But now I’m moving forward, which is fantastic.”

 However, the people who aren’t being gracious, generous, or thinking of others, who are absolutely only on their own agendas, those people are going to find problems. Come November, they will feel like the wheels really fall off the wagon for them.

And then finally, the new rules, the new way of being, the new protocols will really stand up and hit them in the face. And it just is what it is.

Both on the small scale and on the enormous, on every level right now, we are confronting ourselves. All the stuff that we have suppressed, rejected and denied in ourselves is coming up, and we have to own it. But we can release it. We can forgive it, let go. We can change it, and we can work towards a better future. If you do that, just breathe and keep doing the work, you’ll be fine. If you push back, deny it or try to fight against it, you’re in for trouble. Good luck.

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