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Crazy astrology =   Radical times = Inspiration to be our happier authentic selves

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We are all subject to a crazy rollercoaster ride of emotions and events this month. By being prepared to take a deep breath and go with the flow you can grow personally, become more aware of who you would like to be, and then learn how you can become them!

This month’s calendar includes:
2 – 26 April – Mercury retrograde
8 / 9 April – New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Aries, conjunct Chiron
10 April – Mars conjunct Saturn in Pisces
15 April – Mercury conjunct Chiron
21 April – Jupiter conjunct Uranus
Together with 10 other regular transits, conjunctions and moon phases.

The culmination of all this activity may make things unstable – especially our emotions. This erratic celestial behaviour can affect a multitude of things from digital banking to the weather. Everyone can expect to experience moments of anger, frustration, confusion or uncertainty.

These challenges and inconveniences may create anxiety, but they are also forcing us to grow and mature.

The way the world was prior to 2020 is now relegated to history. Our expectations, circumstances, lifestyles and beliefs have changed and are continuing to change. And the old rules are changing with it. In truth we are becoming so used to this crazy chaos that many events come and go so quickly we may not even comment on them.

This is the digital age, the light age, or the new age – call it what you will. As these changes continue a lot more old philosophies and viewpoints will be further questioned. At the moment that means changing our collective behaviours, and those changes start with each one of us.

Whatever you’re confronted by in the world around you this month is happening so that you can better know a part of yourself that’s always been there, lying deep within. This is a part that has been overlooked. It may have been inconvenient, or marginalised, or perhaps even embarrassing. For example, those old guilty feelings that may come up if you are mean or unfair to others will be even stronger now. Any whispers from deep within about what you should or should not do – or feel – will be getting louder.


Whatever the messages, they will be coming out of the shadows that haunt you and the closets that you can’t face, so that you can understand that these aspects of yourself are actually your areas of future growth. It’s time to become aware of the lenses you have been looking through.

This is the opportunity to reconsider how you want to be defined. By examining what you focus on, your priorities and life direction, you can gain insight on what you stand for and how it is you want to live in the future. By redefining what it is you want in your life you give yourself more flexibility around who you want to be.

This “change” is actually you remembering something that you’ve always had within you. Now the blinkers are being taken off and the new awareness gained provides a pathway to progress.

Notice your feelings of extremes, such as not having enough in life versus trying to control your life. Balance your expectations, your attitudes and your behaviour. By letting go of the old stuff that is no longer working you create space for the new things that will work better. In order to create them, you must first identify them.

This is the beginning of a time of creation and fertility. Now is the time to start the groundwork for your deepest inner desires, dreams, ideas or plans. All the conditions are right for setting things in motion to bring things from the world of thought into form.

This type of evolution is inevitable, but not unavoidable. You can hang on to the old ways for a very long time if you insist on doing so, but they become less and less sustainable.

It’s the same as refusing to embrace a technology upgrade. You can hang on to your analogue TV or phone for as long as possible, but those old platforms become less viable in the digital world. Eventually there are just no systems left that support that old technology. The old technology will eventually wear out and the upgrade is forced upon you, or otherwise you have to opt out of using the platforms entirely. Suddenly it seems that everyone else has moved on without you.

This opportunity to upgrade and move on is a gift, though perhaps in the disguise of disruption or loss. Ultimately it is a possibility to embrace the who you truly are.

My hope for you is that you can embrace all the crazy that you can find this month so that you can create lots of new ways to be you!

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